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General Connection and Individual Connection

Individual Connections

The four subjects included in the interdisciplinary unit are spanish, english, perspectivas sociales and arts. The main challenge of these unit is to make the students discover the connection between all the topics seen in the different subjects.

In spanish, we saw historical characters that influenced in some way the construction of identity in Latinamerica in 1492 when these characters defended their rights and the natives rights too or even when Cristóbal Colón discovered this new continent. We saw also two books which talk about how the latinamerican decendents have to believe in themselves and stop comparing their countries with the Asian, African and European countries because our country is unique and has many things that the other countries will never have even if they try.

In Perspectivas Sociales, we saw the Wiphala, which is the emblem and symbol from the Pueblos Andinos who are natives from Latinamerica. We saw too the constitutions and natives from the Latinamerican colonization times, in my case i saw Republica Dominicana and The Taínos which were thought to be extinted by the colonization from the french people after the spanish arrived.

In English, we saw Conflicts like The Apartheid, The british Imperialism, The noble savages and the colonial tourism that are related to the internal conflicts that latinamerica has by giving examples of similar internal conflicts from different continents.

In Arts, we saw different latinamerican conflicts and based on children books we created a cover by printmaking it with different techniques for it to represent the conflict in a non explicit way and an easy way to understand it.

General Connections

First, in perspectivas as i said before, we saw the wiphala which represents the Pueblos Andinos in Latinamerica and the constitutions from different countries from latinamerica that connects with spanish in the colonization of america by the spanish people when they arrived and changes drastically our roots and past, then we go with arts in which we choose a conflict of Latinoamerica and we had to make a cover and printmake it, arts helped me to learn about other internal conflicts of latinoamerica as well as i spanish, and finally i go with english in which we see internal conflicts of other countries tht dont belong to latinamerica to open our minds to different perspectives.

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